суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

costa ricas climate

What a week.

Thoughts on the debate.
I really found temperament to be the driving force in this debate. Behaviors, actions, facial expressions, and the physicality were never clearer in this campaign until Wednesday night. Actions speak louder than words and certainly McCainapos;s were dramatic. I really struggle with John McCain because I do not dislike the guy. I am completely on the blue side of the fence and would vote for the purple turd if it were on the democratic ticket. However, I do find John very interesting. I think he has personality and I could easily see myself bellying up to the bar with him and having a conversation about any random thing. I like him because he seems approachable. Or maybe it is because I see personality over intelligence. Yes, I just said that. He doesnapos;t strike me as the highly intellectual type (wow, think GWB) but rather a good old boy who could shoot the shit with you on any day. I am really intimidated with the intellectual set as I feel uncomfortable and stupid when I am around such people. Granted, I cause this feeling of self-consciousness all on my own, but I still find myself very disconnected and hesitant to express my thoughts and feelings as I would be afraid that I would say something incredibly elementary. I guess I would not feel this way around John McCain and that he would probably appreciate my ability to be out-going over my intense knowledge of political ideology. His big bully behavior on Wednesday night was quite telling but I think it also reflected a manapos;s passion for service and duty that knows his dream and desire is quickly slipping from his hands. It felt as if he was desperate.

Even with his personal appeal to me, I disagree with him on most of the issues. Well, at least the ones that get discussed every once in a blue moon. This campaign has become more about character and personal associations than on issues that really affect you and me. Therefore, I can not and will not support John. Iapos;d like to have some small chat with him and Cindy, but I do not want to endorse, support, or encourage his agenda. Especially when it comes to education. I really hate how John has so easily spewed his unhappiness with the American education system and then proceeds to blame ineffective teachers and leaders for this outcome in our country. He feels people should be able to choose where their kids go to school, especially if their childapos;s school has been labeled as failing. So his suggestion is to get your kids out of crappy schools and away from the bad teachers and then punish these schools and teachers for their failing community. Never once have I heard anything about the accountability of the parents of these children who are scoring lower than students in every other country. Never once is there discussion on how kidsapos; attitudes toward school achievement and work ethic have changed because many have little support systems that encourage, enrich, or inspire them at home. The American education system is not perfect but I believe is a reflection of what is going on at home. If John thinks we are failing or falling apart, well, then he better fix what is going on at home. The family is falling apart and parents are falling down on their jobs. Not all, of course, but many. There must be responsibility and accountability for our parents in order for schools to succeed. Everyone involved in the life of a child must work for a better solution, not just the school alone.

And yea Along comes Barrack Obama, who I have always supported once he was the nominee, and he actually brings up the crucial roles of parents in the American education dilemma. Yea I was thrilled Someone who gets it Barry sees that it really does take a village working together, not a judging and punishing system of humiliation. Good for him I was thrilled Wednesday night because someone said it and he is even running for president Yea As a teacher, it felt great And it was about time.

Madonna and Guy.
Well, I guess this is not a shocker to most. The divorce of the week belongs to Madge and her Guy. I, however, was quite shocked at first, and then was shocked that I was shocked. So confusing.

Having been a Madonna fan for oh, so very long, I felt a personal sadness for this unfortunate situation. Even a little disappointment. Really? Divorcing? They couldnapos;t work it out? What about the Kabala? It couldnapos;t help them? Why is this happening? I think that was the key factor for me-why?

I guess when you invest so much time to listening, watching, absorbing, buying and celebrating the products of a particular artist, you tend to feel personally linked to that talent and want only the best for them and their world. You want them to be perfect so that it justifies and even clarifies why you are so intensely immersed in their creativity and celebrity. You want others around you to see them in the same light and to embrace their product as much as you do. So, when something less friendly or unflattering happens to them, they do not seem flawless and that bubble of perfection is busted open. OMG They are human They are not perfect In Madonnaapos;s case, that may mean that this dissolution of her marriage was because she was bitchy, demanding, unfriendly, uncaring, unfaithful, and generally a spoiled diva whose was committed more to her ego than to her marriage and commitment. Ouch. There goes the rosy image you have contacted in your head. I am not saying the prior statement is true, it is just crazy thinking during a crazy time.

Okay, so I know this sounds silly. I know Madonna is human like the rest of us and has her own bag of problems like the rest of us, but I still feel a little uneasy about her divorce. It is strange. I do feel sadness for her. I do feel disappointment towards her and her soon-to-be-ex-husband. I do hope that this is what is best for her and her children. I hope her and Mr. Ritchie can put them first as they usher in this difficult time in their lives. I guess this is enough said without starting to sound all creepy and too involved. However, I will say that it is a little funny that her newest single, Miles Away, a song about how love between two people exists only when they are far apart, is set to be released soon. Hmmmmm. Enough.
costa ricas climate, costa ricas capital city, costa ricas capital.

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