понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

american-based multinational corporations

ooooo..can I brag? May I? Can I? Please????

The Mrs likes me. Woo~~�

I was told that not all interns are allowed to enter Mrsapos;s room..And Mrs knows my name although I donapos;t remember telling her my name. And Mrs asked for me to help her do things. Wooooo~~

Ok, Iapos;m done bragging. Ha.

Itapos;s funny how things were so dreadful for me during those first few weeks. BUT, that is because of that incompetent ex-supervisor. From my bitching/gossiping around (yeah, I know itapos;s wrong to do that, but still), even those suppliers, designers, media people, all of them dislike this certain Ms K. Sheapos;s rude, canapos;t understand simply english, no apos;people skillsapos;, etc. These are not said by me ok..itapos;s agreed by many outsiders. Anyway, the stories regarding her inefficiency..there are so many that itapos;s impossible to blog it out. But Iapos;m gloating now. Really gloating. She who bitched about me and painted a damn bad picture of me, is the one suffering now, now that the truth has come to light. And believe it or not, my current supervisor, a certain Ms T, didnapos;t believe a word she said when she was telling them what a lazy intern I was.�Because Ms T suffered under her previously too. Thank goodness Ms T asked me and told me what Ms K said. And�I could defend myself. And time proved everything.

Now, I�feel as though all my sufferings, were worth it. Thereapos;s nothing better than emerging the winner at the end. Of course, there are still the down moments now..but things are way better than those first few weeks. A change of supervisor really helped a lot. Can you imagine if I had never complained to the school? I think I would still be in agony now.

And itapos;s damn shiok to learn that interns before me, outsiders like the designers/suppliers/media/etc, all hate Ms K. At the very least, I can prove to myself and others now..that I wasnapos;t the difficult person previously..that I wasnapos;t over-reacting/cannot accept facts/biased/cannot live with things/etc.

Iapos;m sure that in the first month or so, many friends assumed that I was making a mountain out of nothing, that I just couldnapos;t accept the fact that I was not able to get myself a self-placement into the company of my choice. And my consistent whinings/complaints did not help matters. But now, I have the last laugh. I was right all along, despite the hiccups, despite the lack of support. I meant it when I said I tried hard to be nice. I meant it when I said I couldnapos;t take Ms Kapos;s nonsense anymore. I meant it when I said I might just slip into depression if I continue to work under her. I meant it all. And everyone else thought I�was over-reacting and bla bla bla. Well, it doesnapos;t matter now. What matters is, Iapos;ve not only cleared my name, Iapos;ve also proven myself right, and proven that Ms K is the bad person here. Lalalalalalalalala.

But I will never forgive Ms K for all the lies she spun about me. I will never forget what she said to the rest. I will never let it go. She taught me that time reveals everything. And I�think she has gotten her just desserts. I think itapos;s hard to work in an environment which you know that you are not liked and always left out of discussions and jokes. And you only have 2 colleagues who really talks to you - because they love to gossip about other people like you too - but 1 of the above mentioned colleagues dislike the way you boot-lick. In short, Ms K doesnapos;t have a true friend. Awwww..SO SAD.


Ms K, I think you didnapos;t expect things to turn out this way eh?

The worst way to bitch about someone is not when you are saying the worst things about her. It is when at the end of the whole day, she proved to the rest that sheapos;s totally different from what you made her out to be. And then, you looked like a fool. With that, you are bitching about yourself - what a liar you are. =))

That said, I am damn happy with the way things have turned out. In terms of interpersonal relationships, that is. Work scope wise, well, not the best, but no longer the worst.

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